European Dry eye Society Congress 2022
European Dry eye Society Congress 2022 Paris France

European Dry eye Society Congress, Европейское общество по проблемам сухого глаза, конгресс EuDES 2022, 10-11 июня, Париж, Франция.
Dear colleagues!
After its digital congress in 2021, the European Dry Eye Society is happy to invite you to its first face-to-face meeting in Paris on June 10-11, 2022.
We are delighted to present a high-quality educational programme featuring general sessions as well as focused topics and keynote lectures.
Over two days, international experts will present you with the most up-to-date information about dry eye and ocular surface disease.
We hope that this programme will meet your expectations. We encourage you to participate in it by submitting an abstract for poster session.
This is your golden opportunity to present your work during the congress! All EuDES members are welcome to attend the congress.
Join now the EuDES community - of which subscription is free - and meet us in Paris for a truly convivial and cutting-edge event.
We look forward to welcoming you in Paris!
Европейское общество по проблемам сухого глаза, EuDES, Анонс
YouTube канал портала Орган зрения 2021
На YouTube канале офтальмологического портала Орган зрения 4002 подписчика

The European Dry Eye Society
The European Dry Eye Society Европейское общество по проблемам сухого глаза

European Dry eye Society Congress 2021
EuDES 16-18 июня

Офтальмологические конференции 2022
Календарь на портале Орган зрения

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